3 Ways Your Salon Can Boost Revenue This Mother’s Day 

When the first hint of the winter holiday season comes along, salons waste no time getting their promotions and marketing in gear. They know it’s the time of year when everyone wants to look their best and is ready to spend money on gifts, and that it’s crucial to capitalize on that. But there’s another holiday that tends to fly under the radar that offers just as much opportunity to bring in extra revenue — Mother’s Day. 

Mother’s Day is prime time to present your salon services as the ultimate gift for daughters, sons, husbands, and everyone else looking for the perfect way to show mom some love. In this article, we’ll offer some strategies for how you can maximize your Mother’s Day revenue using the tools you have at hand. 

Webinar #3 to help you maximize your Mother’s Day gift card sales.

1. Create a targeted email list. 

More and more companies are taking the time to create targeted email lists for their promotions these days. Why? Because segmenting your email audience allows you to send more relevant and valuable content to your readers.  

Consumers like their communications to feel personalized — like they’re not just another number to you. It helps build trust and nurture long-term relationships that lead to long-term revenue. In fact, research shows that segmented and targeted emails generate approximately 60% of the email revenue of the companies surveyed. 

For Mother’s Day, narrow down your salon’s email list to clients who would be more interested in your holiday promotions. Base your targeting on factors like visit history, past product purchases (e.g., if they bought gift cards for Christmas, they might like one for Mother’s Day too), or if they haven’t yet experienced the services you’re promoting. 

2. Schedule automated email campaigns. 

The most successful holiday email campaigns have refined not only their content, but their execution process as well. By automating your emails using your salon management software, you can save time and plan ahead. The earlier you get your Mother’s Day email campaign and other email promotions and communications in place, the more time and opportunity they have to pay off. 76% of marketers using email automation see a positive ROI within a year, while 44% see it within 6 months, so don’t underestimate the power of automation. 

Email automation allows you to send more emails, specifically to your targeted lists, to drive more traffic to your online or in-person services. For Mother’s Day, this can mean higher gift card, package, and service sales. Plus, when you don’t have to spend as much time organizing and sending out your campaign, you can put more time into creating the emails and providing a better user experience. 

3. Use packages for automatic upsells. 

On average, 10-30% of a business’s ecommerce revenue comes from upselling. An easy way for you to upsell without a lot of extra lift from your team is to package your salon services. When you present your clients with structured options, it’s easier for them to choose what they want than when they have to wade through a long list of services across different pages of your website.  

Service and gift card packages are especially great for holidays like Mother’s Day because they offer a simple and convenient option for the gift giver. Different packages can be designed for different budgets, and when you present your services as a bundle, clients will focus more on the value than the cost anyway.  

Think about offering gift card packages of your most popular services or of services that enhance each other (such as a blowout with styling or eyebrow threading with lash extensions). With SalonBiz, you can create a custom gift card link to your packages to include in your targeted Mother’s Day emails. 

SalonBiz | Mother's Day

Are you ready to make the most out of Mother’s Day this year? 

Every campaign, promotion, and holiday is a chance for your salon to increase client acquisition, retention, and revenue — as long as you do it right. SalonBiz’s seamless salon management software arms you with all the tools you need to create custom campaigns, targeted email lists, and gift card packages, and promote them automatically. Increasing your bottom line has never been so easy. 

Book a demo of SalonBiz today to see how we can take your salon to the next level! 

Additional Mother’s Day Blogs

How to Make Your Salon Gift Cards a Mother’s Day Must Have!

5 Email Marketing Tips to Boost Your Mother’s Day Salon Gift Card Sales

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