Salon Retail Product Display Ideas That Sell 

Running a salon means you’re always looking for ways to stand out and make your products irresistible to your customers. 

Maybe you’ve noticed that some products just don’t get the attention they deserve, or maybe you’re not sure how to make your retail space pop. 

It’s a common challenge: how do you turn casual browsers into eager buyers? 

The solution lies in the art of visual merchandising. 

By creating eye-catching and appealing product displays, you can transform your salon’s retail space into a customer magnet. 

This article will dive into the power of visual merchandising and why it’s crucial for your salon. We’ll explore the key elements of successful retail product displays. You’ll discover examples of display types that are proven to boost sales. 

Plus, we’ll share actionable tips to help you start designing your own salon retail product display today. 

Let’s get started. 

The Power of Visual Merchandising for Salons 

Even though 12.7% of beauty and personal care sales happen online, many people still like buying things in stores. 

Visual merchandising is how you set up and show off products in your store to make them look appealing and attract customers. 

Four main elements of visual merchandising work together to create a cohesive experience. These are: 

  1. The store exterior. This includes things like your sign, window displays, and entrance. It’s all about making a good first impression. 
  1. The store layout. This is how you arrange everything inside your store, from where products go to how customers walk around. 
  1. The store interior. This covers the design inside your store, such as the floors, walls, lights, and where you put things. 
  1. The interior display. This is how you show your products inside the store, making them easy for customers to see and want to buy. 

When your salon looks good, people notice.  

According to McKinsey, “In a dynamic and increasingly digital apparel, fashion, and luxury market, companies that get merchandising right tend to outperform their peers.” 

A beautiful approach to visual merchandising can: 

  • Create a VIP guest experience. Make your salon feel like a special place. This makes customers happy to be there and more likely to buy something. 
  • Show what you offer. If customers can see and understand what products you have, they might want to buy them. 
  • Start conversations. An eye-catching display can make customers ask questions. This gives you a chance to talk about your products. 
  • Highlight your values. Show off the brands you love and support. This tells customers what your salon stands for. 
  • Be different. A great display can make your salon stand out from others. This can help you attract more customers. 
  • Look professional. When your salon looks neat and organized, people trust you more. They’ll want to come back. 
Beauty products on wall shelves

Key Elements of a Successful Salon Retail Product Display 

When you set up a display for products in your salon, you want it to grab people’s attention and make them want to buy something. 

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Here are some important things to consider when designing your display: 

  • Eye-catching. Your display should catch the eye. It should be colorful and neat and show off your products in a fun way. Don’t forget about lighting, too. You want people to see it and think, “Wow, I want that!” 
  • Made just for you. Your display should be special, just like your salon. It shouldn’t look like everyone else’s. This helps your salon stand out and shows off what makes you unique. 
  • Just the right size. Your display should fit your products perfectly. It shouldn’t be too crowded or too empty. It should look just right so your products shine. 
  • Shows off your brand. Your display should tell people about your salon’s style and what you’re all about. When people see it, they should understand what makes your salon special. 
  • Clean and full. Always keep your display clean and full of products. A tidy and well-stocked display makes a good impression and invites people to take a closer look. 

These tips can help you make a display that gets noticed and helps sell more products in your salon.

Salon Retail Product Display Examples That Sell 

When you set up product displays in your salon, you want them to catch the eye and make guests want to buy. 

Here are some salon retail product display examples that work well: 

Cross Mix of Items 

This means putting different products together that go well with each other. 

For example, you could display a shampoo with a matching conditioner and a hairbrush. This can make customers think about buying more than one item. Or you could create product bundles and offer them at a discount during peak seasons, such as Mother’s Day or Christmas. 

Why it works: 

  • Encourages more sales. When customers see products that complement each other, they’re more likely to buy more than one item. 
  • Creates convenience. It saves customers time by grouping together everything they need, making shopping easier and faster. 
  • Inspires ideas. Seeing products together can give customers new ideas for using them, which can lead to more purchases. 

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Woman showing customer beauty product

Feature One Item 

Sometimes, you might want to show off just one special product. 

You can put it in a place where everyone can see it, like in the front window or on a special shelf. You could add a sign that tells people why this product is so great. 

Another great way to feature a product is during a guest’s beauty service. Having a stylist use a product on a client gives them the chance to touch and feel it, learn more about it, and see the results. 

Why it works: 

  • Grabs attention: A standout display for a single product can catch customers’ eyes and spark interest. 
  • Highlights specials: When you feature one item, you can showcase new products or special deals, making them more appealing. 
  • Focuses customer interest: It helps customers focus on one thing at a time, making it easier for them to decide to buy. 

Related Products 

This is when you put together items that are used for similar things. For example, you might display all the products needed for perfect curls in one spot. This makes it easy for customers to find everything they need for a specific look. 

Why it works: 

  • Shows versatility. Displaying related products together demonstrates how items can be used to achieve a certain result, like perfect curls. 
  • Increases basket size. When customers see related products that work well together, they’re more likely to buy the whole set. 
  • Educates customers. This type of display can teach customers about products they might not have known about, encouraging them to try something new. 

Point of Sale Displays 

Point of sale (POS) displays are set up where customers check out. This spot is perfect for grabbing their attention one last time before they leave. 

You can use POS displays to show small items that customers might add to their purchase at the last minute. 

Why they work: 

  • Last-minute reminders. Sometimes, customers forget about small items they need. Seeing them at the checkout can remind them to buy. 
  • Impulse buys. These are items people buy without planning. Fun or useful little things, like hair accessories or mini hair care products, can tempt customers as they’re paying. 
  • Special deals. You can use POS displays to highlight special offers. For example, “Buy one, get one half off” can encourage customers to grab an extra item. 

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How You Can Start Designing a Salon Retail Product Display Right Now 

Designing a salon retail product display doesn’t have to be hard.  

Here are some steps you can take right after reading this to make your display stand out: 

  • Research trends in retail displays. Look up the latest trends in retail displays online. See what’s new and popular. Websites like Pinterest or retail design blogs are great places to start. 
  • Create a Pinterest board. Start your own Pinterest board for display design inspiration. Pin ideas you like or think would work well in your salon. This can help you visualize what you want your display to look like. 
  • Check out leading salons on Instagram. Look at what top salons are doing in other cities by checking their Instagram pages. See how they set up their product displays. You might find some cool ideas to try in your own salon. 
  • Decide on key products to feature. Think about which products you want to show off in your display. Choose items that are popular, new, or on special. Make sure they’re products your customers will love. 
  • Sketch your display ideas. Grab some paper and start sketching out how you want your display to look. You don’t have to be a great artist. Just get your ideas down on paper. 
  • Ask for feedback. Show your sketches or Pinterest board to your team and ask for their thoughts. They might have some great ideas or suggestions to make your display even better. 

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