How to Win Back Salon Clients: 7 Strategies That Work 

Have you ever wondered why you never see some of your salon clients again? If your salon is losing customers, that’s a clear sign something is wrong and needs correcting. 

The good news is that it’s not all bad news!  

While losing customers is never ideal, it’s often the signal a business needs to step back, reflect, and improve. It can be your opportunity to evaluate what’s working and what’s not for your guests and your salon business. Then, you can make improvements that help you thrive in the long run—and we’re here to help. 

This article is all about how to get clients back into the salon. We’ll start by looking at why clients leave salons. We’ll then discuss the importance of client retention. More importantly, we’ll share proven strategies to win back salon customers. 

Let’s get started. 

RELATED ARTICLE: How to Get New Clients in a Salon: 9 Tips to Fill Your Chairs 

Why Clients Leave Salons 

First, ask yourself why clients are not returning to your salon. Figuring out the reasons for customer churn is the first step in turning old clients around and even attracting new ones. 

As a salon owner, you must accept the fact that you’ll occasionally lose clients for reasons beyond your control. Some clients will move, change spending habits, or switch to new haircare routines. But even then, you’ll only lose a few customers this way. 

Worryingly high customer turnover will most likely have something to do with your salon. Let’s look at some of the other plausible reasons your customers are not sticking around: 

Customer Dissatisfaction 

Customer dissatisfaction is a broad problem. But it generally means the client is unhappy with your salon’s services. They may be disappointed with the styling, cut, color, quality of service, or the overall experience. 

Satisfaction majorly comes down to customer expectations. And those expectations come from the promises you make to your guests. If you fail to deliver on a promise or expectation, there’s a good chance you might lose a client. 

Pricing Woes 

Pricing is a sensitive issue in many businesses, especially in the service industry. 

Some clients might feel you’re charging too much and can no longer afford your services. That’s completely normal, as long as it’s not the general consensus among your customers. Your price can’t be right for everyone. Just ensure it reflects your service quality and fits your target market. 

Another problem with pricing is inconsistency. If your prices keep fluctuating, you may frustrate your clients to the point of not returning. Price consistency has to do with your pricing model and how you deal with things like discounts, supply costs, and staff wages. 

Complicated Booking Process 

A frustrating or unreliable booking process could be why clients leave your salon and never return. 

Clients will get their hair done elsewhere if your phone is always busy or hooked to voicemail. Also, some online booking platforms are annoyingly difficult to navigate. 

Two hair stylists doing customers hair

Rushed Services 

Salon guests do not like to be rushed. And it’s always obvious to clients when your workers are overwhelmed and trying to do a rush job. 

You’ve probably been in a situation where you’re hurrying a job so the next client can take the seat. If that’s what you do when booked back-to-back, you might be pushing clients away. 

Some stylists may even get into the habit of double-booking themselves. For instance, they may schedule a guest’s appointment to start during the second half of the appointment immediately before them, thinking they can run back and forth between treatments. Although the draw is more earning potential, this makes for a poor guest experience. 

A rush job or feeling like they’re not getting their stylist’s full attention makes the client feel undervalued. And even if the job is up to standard, they’ll leave with the impression that something wasn’t done right in the haste. Some won’t come back at all. 

No Incentive for Returning Customers 

If you don’t give your customers a reason to return to your salon, they won’t feel motivated to do so. This is especially bad if your competitors are keen on incentivizing returning clients. 

It might seem “petty” to want a reward for loyalty. But the truth is, a reward or loyalty program (or the lack thereof) can make a huge difference in your customer retention.

Hairdressers Are Falling Behind 

Are you and your staff up to date on all the latest hair trends? 

The fashion and beauty scene changes drastically with short notice. Your salon must keep up with the prevailing beauty trends in terms of supplies, techniques, and expertise. That way, you’ll be prepared to offer any hairstyle or cut a client requests. 

Some salons, for example, provide updated training themselves. They may use online resources or even bring in a professional to host a class for their team. Others may give their stylists a small yearly stipend for continuing education on their own. 

However you do it, keeping your stylists updated on the latest trends is important. Otherwise, you will lose the more progressive clients as they move on to new styles without you. 

The Salon or Services Feel Off 

The most important thing your salon sells is the customer experience. Customers come into your salon to feel confident, valued, cared for, appreciated, relaxed, and beautiful. 

Up to 86% of consumers will leave a brand they trusted after only two poor customer experiences. 

There are many factors that can spoil the salon experience for your customers, including: 

  • Lapse in customer service 
  • Poor housekeeping (the salon looks dirty, unkept, or disorganized) 
  • A chaotic or stressful environment 
  • Overcrowding 
  • Poor indoor atmosphere or air quality 
  • Unsanitary instruments and equipment 

The kind of people who visit your salon can also make some customers feel unwelcome or uncomfortable. For example, if your salon starts to attract more teens and younger adults, the older folk may feel out of place. 

Change of Staff or Location 

Changing your staff or location can force some clients to break ties with your salon. Most clients are very particular about who touches their hair. With their preferred stylist gone, they’ll leave too. 

A location change can also push away clients. Moving could even be an upgrade, but it’s a matter of convenience and communication. Some of your clients might not realize that you moved. And for others, the new location might not be as convenient.  

Something as simple as sending a survey to your clientele asking if the new location you’re considering would be a dealbreaker can make a big difference. 

Male stylist drying womans hair

Reconnecting with Your Valued Salon Guests 

Make retention marketing your top priority. Retention marketing is a way to keep customers engaged and interested in your salon or beauty services. But why should you care about retaining clients when you can always acquire new ones? 

First of all, new is not always better. And what’s the point of trying to get new customers if you’re going to lose them after only a few appointments? 

Second, retaining customers can boost your ROI, income, marketing efficiency, and financial stability. Here’s a list of stats proving the importance of reconnecting with valued clients: 

RELATED ARTICLE: 6 Salon Referral Ideas to Grow Your Business 

Focusing on customer retention is way more beneficial than chasing new leads. That’s not to say that lead generation is not important. The point is, even as you seek out new clients, put apt effort into convincing existing customers to keep coming back. 

Retaining and reconnecting with customers is all about making continuous improvements and adapting to your clients’ needs. The beauty industry is highly dynamic, and so are customer preferences. 

Your salon and service must remain relevant and satisfactory to your customers. Otherwise, you’ll lose them. 

7 Strategies to Get Clients Back into the Salon 

Losing paying customers is a hard hit to any business. But what if you could win back customers who’ve lost interest in your salon or moved to competitors? 

With a bit of effort, you can actually rebuild broken customer relationships. Let’s discuss seven ways you can bring back those customers who’ve ghosted your salon.  

1. Find Out Why Customers Are Leaving 

If you want to bring old customers back, you need to know why they left in the first place. 

It can be difficult to figure out what’s pushing customers away. Keep in mind that only one in 26 customers brings up a complaint after a bad experience; the rest churn. 

The best way to identify the problem is through a customer feedback survey. Reach out to both active and inactive customers and ask them to share feedback on their salon experience. You can collect the feedback using simple questionnaires sent via mail or posted on your website or social media pages. 

Ensure all your customers realize they have a voice and what they say matters. Drawing feedback may not get all the answers right away. But doing so should encourage customers to share their experiences with you instead of simply walking out. 

2. Reward Returning Guests 

Win lost customers back with rewards. Customer return and loyalty incentives such as discounts, special offers, gift cards, and exclusive services can go a long way in rekindling interest in your salon. 

Rewarding customers makes them feel appreciated and valued. More than that, customer rewards are an unwritten rule in business. 

In a recent survey, 43% of US respondents said they expect to be given the best pricing compared to less loyal customers. And 46% expect personalized discounts or exclusive offers in return for their loyalty. 

Devise a loyalty program that encourages repeat customers and draws in old ones. For instance, you can entice inactive customers with a one-time discount or offer if they get back in that seat. Then, create a loyalty points or membership system to make them stick around. 

Smiling salon worker holding tablet

3. Make It Personal 

Connect with inactive clients on a personal level. After all, the salon experience is inherently personal. 

Call, text, or email lost clients, not as an entrepreneur but as a friend. Address the client by their name, ask them how it’s been since you last met, and tell them what you’ve been up to. Break the ice to get a candid conversation going. 

A personal approach will make the client feel more comfortable sharing their reasons for disengagement. And from there, you can address their concerns and bring them back to your salon. It’ll also show that you genuinely care about your clients, not just the business. 

4. Introduce Something New 

“New” is one of the most powerful words in marketing. And it’s easy to see why. Once customers become too familiar with something, they tend to gradually lose interest in the thing. 

Plus, the beauty, fashion, and hair worlds keep evolving and changing. So, your salon will inevitably need to change at some point. The change could be installing new equipment, doing a facelift, adding new services, hiring more staff, relocating, etc. 

The new change could even be bringing something old back. 

Communicate the good news to old clients. It might just be what brings them back to your salon. 

5. Work on Your Customer Service 

Customer service can make or break your salon business. It’s the one crucial thing that sets service- and experience-based businesses apart. 

Make tangible improvements to your salon’s services. And make sure the customers know that the improvements are there to provide them with an exceptional salon experience. 

Boosting customer service can be as simple as: 

  • Welcoming guests with a warm smile and friendly greeting 
  • Listening actively and communicating clearly 
  • Minimizing delays 
  • Offering personalized services and tailored recommendations 
  • Creating a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere 
  • Offering your guests snacks or drinks 
  • Providing complimentary services such as simple styling and touchups 

RELATED ARTICLE: 7 Hair Salon Customer Service Tips 

6. Review Your Prices 

“Unfair” pricing might be the reason you’re losing clients to competitors. 

Take a closer look at your pricing structure. Also, find out how much your closest competitors charge for similar services. 

However, salon pricing can be tricky. In the beauty industry, the lowest price is not always the right price. In fact, drastically lowering your prices can sometimes come off as a bit desperate. 

So, don’t fixate on just the final price tag. Instead, review how you arrive at a particular price. What exactly are you charging for (quality, time, labor, expertise, products, etc.)? Break down those costs and ensure the customer knows exactly what they’re paying for. 

It also helps to allow for some flexibility in pricing. For example, let the customer decide what they want to pay for and how they’ll pay. 

Another way to fix pricing is by adding value to your haircare services. Rather than fiddle with numbers, you can upgrade your services to better justify the price. Make the customer feel the price is worth what they’re getting. 

7. Go Digital 

Use digital tools to engage and reconnect with customers. Nowadays, there’s an endless variety of customer relationship management (CRM) systems. These let you stay in touch with customers. 

Premium salon CRMs are equipped with useful features such as appointment booking, reminders, feedback, and payment options. They’ll even track customer engagement and give you valuable insights into customer churn. 

RELATED ARTICLE: 17 Powerhouse Tips to Grow Salon Customer Retention 

Rekindling the Salon Spark with SalonBiz 

If you are keen on digitizing customer loyalty (and you should be), SalonBiz is the right partner for you. SalonBiz is a state-of-the-art salon management software designed to boost customer loyalty. It’s equipped with a host of essential features, including a salon POS, marketing platform, online booking system, and more. 

Rekindle your salon’s spark with SalonBiz by creating the ultimate guest experience. Sample SalonBiz today with our free demo

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