7 Ways to Make Your Salon Stand Out 

If you own a salon, you may not have thought much about how to make your salon stand out. In fact, you may have worked to make your salon similar to others in the area. 

However, giving your salon a unique identity can be the ticket to growing your business.  

Learn why making your salon stand out is important. Also, receive expert tips on how to accomplish this.

Why Fit In When Your Salon Can Stand Out? 

When many salon owners first open their doors, they think they need to make their businesses like all the others in town. After all, that’s where customers are going, right? 


Sure, clients may be giving these salons their money. But perhaps they’d flock to a place with something different, something special. That could be your salon. 

Think about the businesses you like to frequent. What about them attracts you? It’s probably that they deliver more than their competitors and make the experience memorable for you. 

It doesn’t have to be a gourmet restaurant or luxury boutique. The simplest bakery or hardware store can do this, too. Even big box chains can stand out, like Costco with their free sample kiosks. 

Some ways businesses might become favorites for you include: 

  • Knowing the names of all their customers 
  • Greeting people when they enter 
  • Providing a more comfortable atmosphere 
  • Giving clients a little extra at no charge 
  • Offering superior service over competitors 
  • Being consistently reliable, punctual, and trustworthy 

Another way businesses gain loyal followers is to provide something no one else offers. For example, a deli might bake their own bread and desserts in-house. An interior decorator may have access to amazing European antiques. A real estate agent could turn every open house into a themed event with incredible catering. 

Once customers get a taste of these unique services, they tend to become regulars. Repeat business is a cornerstone of every company’s revenue, including salons. 

The other benefit of collecting regular customers is referrals for new clients. This is the other cornerstone of business stability and growth. 

Loyal customers are more likely to recommend their most-loved businesses to friends and family. Some studies show that nearly 90% of consumers trusted brands most when they came recommended by people close to them. That can translate to more bookings for your business. 

Want to piggyback on the ideas buzzing in your brain right now? The next section will help you expand with actionable steps—things you can do today to make your salon stand out. 

7 Ways to Make Your Salon Stand Out 

You probably have a lot of salons and spas in your locale if you live in a city or larger town. The salon industry is a dynamic one, with a compound annual growth rate of 7.46%

There’s good news and bad news in that statistic. 

The upside is that you can ride that wave with your salon. A growing industry means the potential for more customers and greater revenue. 

The downside is that the field can become saturated quickly. Other businesses will also want to get in on that growth. This can result in a competitive marketplace for salon owners. 

Therefore, it’s more essential than ever that you stand out from your competition. Here are seven strategies you can start using now to create that unique reputation in your community: 

Male stylist fixing womans red hair

1. Create a VIP Guest Experience from Check-In to Checkout 

Have you ever been to a five-star hotel where the entire stay was heaven? Or perhaps you felt like royalty when dining at your favorite bistro. 

You want to create that same type of VIP experience for every customer who visits your salon. It starts with understanding your key customers and building an environment that caters to them. 

Do you provide nail services primarily for busy young moms? Or do you do hairstyling for senior ladies from the local retirement complex? Maybe your clients are mostly 40-something businessmen who like a luxury shave and a nail buff with their hair trim. 

Each of these hypothetical customers needs a different environment to feel comfortable. Younger patrons may appreciate pop tunes and a boho feel. Your older clientele probably likes something more traditional. 

You can’t please everyone, so you need to hone in on your ideal client and make that the focus of your decor, music, and overall vibe. Don’t be afraid to be bold, whether it’s with bright paint or crystal chandeliers. 

Not sure exactly who your typical customer is? You could survey your clients to learn more about their lifestyles and needs. 

RELATED ARTICLE: Get Real: 24 Questions for Your Hair Salon Client Questionnaire 

When your customer enters the shop, what is their initial impression? You want someone to greet them warmly, check them in, and help them find a place to hang their coat. 

You should offer a comfy place to wait. It’s not a big investment to give your clients a sparkling water, a cup of tea, or a glass of wine. A hot chocolate on cold, wintry days is always welcome. 

There should be no ambiguity about the process for new customers. Do they need to change into a smock? How do they find their way from the front to their stylist, barber, or manicurist in the back? 

Treat every customer like they are receiving their own private reception. This will encourage them to relax and enjoy their services. 

This should be carried through the entire continuum of treatments. Depending on your client base, they may need someone to escort them from the shampoo station to the stylist’s chair, for instance. 

If you have customers sitting while their color sets or hair dries, give them some current popular magazines to read. Out-of-date and tattered publications will make your salon feel like a sad dentist’s office. 

Be sure to have restrooms that are proportional to the traffic in your salon. They should reflect your salon’s beautiful environment, not look like a broom closet shared with employees. 

You don’t want customers lost and confused when it’s time to check out. There’s nothing more mortifying at the salon than not knowing the tipping procedure. Make everything clear to new folks until they get the routine down. 

When your clients check out, it’s great if you can have someone help them with their coats. A goody bag with a few samples and your business card is a nice touch. Always try to schedule their next appointment while they’re still in the salon for continuity of service. 

RELATED ARTICLE: 9 Tips for Securing Your Salon Guests’ Personal & Payment Data 

2. Provide the Utmost in Services, Including One-of-a-Kind Treatments 

When your customers are in the chair, what level of attentiveness are they receiving? Even if the stylist or manicurist is juggling multiple appointments, the customer should feel like their only job. 

It can be tempting to cut corners by having service providers sweep the floor, sell shampoo, or fill foot baths. But if you hire an assistant to do this, your moneymakers will have more time to tend to customers. 

Every service you provide should be the best possible, using premium equipment and products. Of course, you want the best employees possible providing care. 

To really stand out, think about services that are lacking in your area. For example, is everyone going into the nearest big city to get novel wedding updos or sleek gray coloring jobs? 

How can you fill those niches and entice customers to stay local? It might mean bringing in a specialist, even if it’s not every day of the week. 

Wall of shelves with salon retail products

3. Create a One-Stop Shopping Salon for Extra Convenience 

The more services and products you can provide under one roof—within reason—the happier your customers will be. And it will help boost your bottom line. 

Say your hair salon customers are going all over town to get facials, manicures, brow waxing, dermablading, and massages. Could you offer some or all of those services in your salon? People love being able to “take a spa day” for all-in-one beauty and relaxation treatments. 

It might not be feasible to provide a full range of services every day of the week. But what about having two days each week where customers can get a full spectrum of services? 

Additionally, consider selling popular products that customers can take with them to maintain that salon feel at home. They’ll like not having to hunt online or visit multiple shops to find that perfect hair conditioner or nail hue. 

4. Offer Complimentary Services and Products to Wow Clients 

Many manufacturers create sample-size and travel-size versions of their products. You can give these away for free, knowing they’re worth it if the customer returns again and again. 

There are other types of complimentary gifts: 

  • Hand or scalp massage for waiting customers 
  • Free hair treatments for elite customers 
  • Mustache or beard trim with a haircut 
  • Makeover days where customers can sample makeup 
  • Free childcare for parents during peak hours 
  • Special or valet parking in high-traffic locations 

5. Build Loyalty Programs and Other Special Membership Categories 

As mentioned above, loyal customers are vital to your business. You can nudge clients to keep returning with loyalty programs like “buy five haircuts, get the sixth for half price.” 

You could also consider offering membership tiers for regulars. Perhaps your biggest spenders get priority service on busy days. Or maybe you could give them the choice of one free extra—like a manicure or brow service—every six months. 

6. Focus on Employee Retention for Long-Term Customer Satisfaction 

One thing salon customers hate is finding a stylist or facialist they love, only to see that person leave for another shop. It’s in your best interest to retain cherished employees, as it keeps your customers satisfied. 

How can you hang onto good salon workers longer? 

  • Offer continuing education and opportunities for advancement. 
  • Make it financially conducive to stay, however pay is structured. 
  • Provide benefits and perks, like insurance or bonuses. 
  • Encourage open communication and healthy feedback. 
  • Make them feel like an important part of your brand’s success. 
  • Create a welcoming, nontoxic work environment. 

FROM ONE OF OUR PARTNERS: Employee Turnover: What It Is and How to Avoid It 

7. Leverage Your Online Presence 

Salons these days aren’t just brick-and-mortar businesses. They must have an online presence, too. 

The online face of your business starts with a stellar search engine-optimized (SEO) website and continues with: 

  • Informative social media accounts where you talk with (not to) people 
  • An email list for announcements and newsletters 
  • Online reviews through sites like Yelp, Google, and Facebook 

Always encourage your customers to leave a review as they are checking out, especially if they seem happy with the service. If you’ve done your job right, you shouldn’t have to bribe them with freebies or discounts. 

RELATED ARTICLE: Get Your Salon on Google Page #1: Your Google Search Appearance 

Woman stylist cutting womans hair

Stand Out from the Competition with SalonBiz 

What’s another way your business can have a stand-out presence online? Partner with a comprehensive salon software solution like SalonBiz. 

SalonBiz provides technology to make your life easier as a salon owner or manager. But it also helps you offer your clients the ultimate salon experience. You can increase appointments, with fewer no-shows, and retain those coveted repeat clients. 

SalonBiz features include: 

  • A virtual appointment book that includes previous appointments, customer purchase history, and notes 
  • Online booking for 24/7 availability and less stress on your front desk, integrated in real time with your appointment book 
  • A point of sale (POS) system to make checkout a breeze and let every client feel like a VIP, including online payments and flexible pricing 
  • Preconfigured and customizable marketing campaigns to generate more business 
  • Software for inventory management, including automatic reordering and product usage tracking 
  • Integrations with connected apps that bring stylists, clients, and the business together in one online space 
  • Financial reporting and performance metric tracking for monitoring and growth 

You can use SalonBiz at one location or in multi-location salons. It grows with you as you learn how to make your salon stand out from the crowd. 

It’s easy to see how SalonBiz would work for your unique salon. Simply book a demo today. 

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